Whether you own a business or you’re in charge of marketing for a company or a brand, finding new customers is your goal. Getting more people interested in what you do is a big part of keeping profits steady and building up a loyal customer base. Managing the advertising strategies that it might take to reach those new customers can make it feel like everything is on your shoulders. But there’s a type of marketing that lets other people help bring in new site visitors, viewers, and shoppers: affiliate marketing.
When you have an affiliate program going, you can partner with people who have already established popularity and authority in a field that relates to your product or brand. Known as affiliate publishers, these people post frequent content to one or more online platforms. They engage with their audience in these online spaces, sharing information and promoting products and services that will often align with their own area of interest. For example, a food blogger may promote a new cookware brand – and when they do this as an affiliate publisher, their promotional post is designed to encourage their audience to buy the product. For every one of their audience members that go back to the cookware company’s website and purchase their own set, the affiliate publisher will be compensated. Affiliate programs let a motivated affiliate publisher post relevant and engaging content and let a business or brand tap into the affiliate’s own audience.
There are affiliates of all types, across all industries. Some promote a broad range of products and services, while others focus exclusively on one topic. The areas in which affiliate marketers work can be classified by niche. Finding a niche means identifying and narrowing down what it is that you do and what you’re marketing to your target audience. Popular niches include:
· Health and fitness
· Finance
· Real estate
· Makeup and beauty
· Food
· Self-care and wellness
among many others. These niches can themselves be further refined to become more or less specific. For instance, food blogging narrows it down somewhat, but organic, vegan food blogging narrows it down even more. The key to successful affiliate marketing lies in finding the specific niche that fits your business and advertising goals, and then recruiting quality affiliates who fit that niche. That way, you’re not wasting any effort marketing to an uninterested audience but instead getting your ads and promos in front of those that will benefit from them. Affiliate publishers who fit your brand can mean more customers who are the right fit too.
Once you’ve identified your niche, it’s time to connect with affiliates. Where can you find the best affiliates for your brand’s niche? They’re here on the Publisher Finders tool. We’ve created a resource for finding the social media and online publishers like bloggers, Instagrammers, YouTubers, and other affiliates that businesses and brands of all sizes are looking for. Our Publisher Finders database includes publishers who are currently working as affiliates and publishers who are not yet part of an affiliate program but want to be recruited. We vet our publishers for relevance to niches, quality content, audience size, and readiness to take on new affiliate work. The Publisher Finder tool makes it easy to find affiliates in your niche and then contact them via email. We work to continuously update our database with new and relevant publishers, so that you can keep finding more of the affiliates you need to grow your program. Check out our affiliate publisher database with a free 14-day trial, or sign up now for affordable subscription rates. Find the best affiliates for your niche with the Publisher Finders tool.